Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mark him out

Mechanics for a fantasy football (soccer) game.

Each matchday, each fantasy manager sends to the gamemaster both the formation of his own team and the name of the player of the opponent team that he wants to mark out.

The effect of the marking out depends: is the designed player in the formation sent by the opponent fantasy manager?
  • If yes: he's marked out. What this means depends on the rules of the game: e.g. if the only used stat is goals scored, that players' goals are not counted.
  • If no: nothing happens.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Google delta

A game to be played with Google.

You should use Firefox, Greasemonkey and GoogleTagCloudMaker.

The player who submits to Google a query that produces the highest number of tags (i.e. of words that are repeated in search result snippets) wins.

Through my eyes

A game to be played in Twitter.

You have to describe what you see, limiting your description to geometrical shapes and colors (or plants and animals) (or brands).

When one of your follower guesses the place where you are:
  • you win (20 - number of hint tweets you have used) points
  • he/she wins 20 points and starts describing what he/she sees to his/her followers

Fantasy battles

Fantasy football (soccer).

Before a league matchday, two fantasy managers pick each a fantasy team of 10 players: 3 defenders, 4 midfielders, 3 forwards.

Each player is paired against a player from the opponent fantasy team: defenders against forwards, midfielders against midfielders.

Before the matchday, for each real team the expected result is computed, just considering average goals scored vs. average goals conceded by the opponent team (home or away, depending on the fixture).

Then, the fantasy score of each player is given by:
  • defenders: average goals scored - goals actually scored by the opponent real team
  • midfielders: actual goal difference - average goal difference of the opponent real team
  • forwards: actual goals conceded - average goals conceded by the opponente real team
Then you compare the fantasy score of each pair of player in the two fantasy teams, and each point of advantage means (in order):
  1. midfielder: one offensive chance for his fantasy team
  2. defender: one less chance for the opponent fantasy team
  3. forward: one goal for his fantasy team (if there are enough chances)


The name should say it all: my project is to design a game a day.

Given the context in which I think about them (i.e. my really spare time), the games will be very simple, and I'll just post an outline of the rules.

I probably won't manage or play these games, but you can use them in any way you want.

Any feedback is very welcome.

Technical note: as tags, I'll use dmoz categories.